Covid Vaccine Information

1 Mar 2021 by Sean Bland

Currently, African Americans lag other ethnic groups in COVID-19 vaccination rates. The reasons are many; including supply chain shortages, lack of information, lack of sites to receive the vaccination in underprivileged areas, and general fear from the African American community often labeled as medical mistrust. Many of the problems such as lack of supply chain are beyond our control, however, we can change our people’s thinking. This would entail us having a better historical perspective on the reasoning for medical mistrust among African Americans. Hence, I think it is prudent that we take a historical look at the medical atrocities done to us as a people which have shaped our perception and lack of trust for the medical community. Attached is a paper that I published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. The purpose of my research was to enlighten other healthcare professionals as to why African Americans do not trust them. I ask that you educate yourself so that when we encourage our communities to partake in vaccination programs and clinical research – we understand their hesitancy and push back. As college educated black men, we have a much greater influence within our communities than people who are outsiders. Thus, it will be up to us to change thinking within our communities.

Dr. Kevin Pruitt MD/PhD

7th District Medical Health Chairman

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